Johanne rude lindegaard FOR THE DANISH ARTS WORKSHOP

Johanne Rude Lindegaard was invited to make a decoration for the new TietgenSkole in Odense. In this interview Johanne unfolds her practice and thoughts behind her public commision.

Video for: Statens Værksteder for Kunst / The Danish Arts Workshop

Supported by: Beckett Fonden & Poul Johansen Fonden af 1992, Statens Kunstfond

Video by: Christian Brems

Johanne Rude Lindegaard interview for the Danish Arts Workshop
Johanne Rude Lindegaard interview for the Danish Arts Workshop
Johanne Rude Lindegaard interview for the Danish Arts Workshop
Johanne Rude Lindegaard interview for the Danish Arts Workshop
Johanne Rude Lindegaard interview for the Danish Arts Workshop